Important Information to Include in a Professional CV

Professional CV Writing Company in UAE

Your CV or curriculum vitae must convey emphatically and unequivocally the value that you could bring to an employer. And the value needs to be communicated in a matter of a few short seconds since, in the world of business, it is the entirety of the attention that a CV will get. It is true that a CV (together with a cover letter) just brings you a few steps closer to that new job; nonetheless, it is what gets you in the door, and because you can’t be there to answer questions, it needs to be able to stand on its own. This is the very reason why many jobseekers nowadays invest in seeking help from experts offering professional Resume Writing in Dubai such as Below are the essential elements a compelling CV must have to ensure that you can set yourself apart from other candidates.

1. Name and contact details

Your name should be the first item on your curriculum vitae (CV). Please note that only your first name and last name are needed; middle names are not permitted. then follow your name with your official job title. Your name and title of employment are neatly positioned next to your contact details. You should provide your phone number and email address at the very least. 

2. Career Summary

Your profile is the next section to include on your resume. This component has a single primary objective despite going by many different titles in the recruitment market, including personal profile, professional profile, and personal statement. CV Writing Services in Dubai recommends that your career summary should give the potential employer a brief summary of who you are, your professional background, your transferable skills, and your current career objectives. This section must make a strong impression and demonstrate your connection to the position in order to persuade employers that the remainder of your CV is worthwhile reading.

3. Areas of Expertise or Core Competencies

Introduce a Core Competencies section to your resume if you possess a range of abilities and credentials that make you an excellent fit for the position. This section is typically found below your personal profile. List more than 6 of your strongest qualities that will convince the recruiting manager that you are a good fit for the position. These abilities can be hard or soft, they could be awards or certifications, they could be a list of tools or software, or anything else that best demonstrates your suitability for the position. Your resume will be optimized for application tracking systems (ATS), giving the potential employer a quick summary of your skills.

4. Work history or previous employment

Your career history is a crucial addition to your Resume Writing in Dubai. Your employment history is listed in this section in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. Include your employment dates, job title, employer, and bullet points outlining your responsibilities and accomplishments for each job. Your CV should emphasize the experiences you earned in these positions because they will help the hiring manager determine your qualifications based on your prior employment.

5. Education

Your academic qualifications must be listed in reverse-chronological sequence, just as your job experience section. You must at the very least state the title and level of your qualification, the institution where you studied or the organization that granted the qualification, and the date you attained it. If you’re just starting your career and your education is still one of your strongest selling points on your resume, it is highly advised by a Professional CV Writing Company in UAE to add bullet points beneath each institution that detail the pertinent courses, projects, placements, and talents.

6. Recognition, achievements and accreditation

You might also think about including qualifications and accolades on your resume. Awards may be tied to academia, business, employment, or volunteer effort. Include the official award name, the award’s objective and what it recognized, the award’s scope, and the date of recognition when listing achievements on your resume. 

7. Professional memberships and affiliations

It is important to promote your involvement in your business and show your dedication to your profession on your CV if you are a member of any professional bodies. Include the organization’s name and the kind of membership you hold.


FAQs About Resume Writing in Dubai

Q. Can I look at some of your work before I place an order?

Ans – Future clients can view samples of our work, which we are delighted and proud to do. For further details, you can book an appointment so we can meet you (either via virtual or face-to-face meeting) and present some samples of our CVs.

Q. Can you explain what ATS is and its importance?

Ans- Many businesses now utilize ATS, an AI-based platform, to automate their HR and recruitment processes. On average, 300 resumes are submitted for corporate positions. Companies just lack the resources for recruiters to spend time manually reviewing each application. At that point, ATS is useful. It examines your application and compares it to the keywords prevalent in the sector or career of your choice. Even resumes that appear to be well-written can fail the initial inspection. Many of our writers have experience working with ATS software and will improve your CV or resume to pass it and get the hiring manager’s attention.

Q. How can I get in touch with my writer?

Ans– You can always get in touch with your writer via email or by contacting us directly. The writer will respond to you via email as soon as they are assigned to work on your purchase. Then, you’ll be able to speak with your designated writer immediately to go over every aspect of your order. Contact our #1 Resume Writing Services in UAE today.

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