Resume Writing in UAE

Resume Writing in UAE

If you have accumulated significant professional experience or have advanced within your organisation, the process of searching for employment online can be quite intimidating if you are not accustomed to it. Online job applications may consist of the following: CV and cover letter submissions; customised application forms; video answer submissions; aptitude assessments evaluating particular skills; or video answer submissions. In a sea of possible approaches, it is critical to understand the procedures that must be adhered to in order for your application to distinguish itself. The following are some of the most important recommendations provided by Resume Writing in UAE for submitting an online job application successfully.

1. Preparation is Critical

Allow yourself sufficient time to prepare so that you are fully aware of your responsibilities. An individual is more prone to committing errors when in a greater hurry. A few essential tasks will assist you in feeling completely competent prior to commencing:

  • Carefully read the instructions – Ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the application format, the queries, and the due dates.
  • Create a bulleted list of the most important skills and experience that the employer is seeking by examining the job description. Remember to utilise this when filling out your responses.
  • Consider the company’s values, objectives, and unique selling proposition (USP) as you conduct research for your application.

2. Customise the Appearance of Your Documents

According to Resume Writing Services in UAE, personalisation is critical when the only requirement for an online job application is to upload your curriculum vitae. Given the ease with which employers have simplified this process, a significant number of individuals will simply select the submit button and dispatch their documents without giving due consideration to the content they contain. How can you expect a recruiter to respond to your application if you have not invested any effort into it? Spend sufficient time and energy customising your resume to correspond with the job description. Differentiate yourself amidst an abundance of generic documents.

3. Incorporate the job description’s keywords  

Employers utilise Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) to evaluate online job applications. How does it function? Your curriculum vitae will essentially be entered into the organization’s applicant tracking system (ATS) when you submit your application plus supporting materials. The software pre-populates the organization’s system with the data extracted from your CV, taking into consideration the keywords that hold the greatest significance for the position for which you have applied. The essential terms shall comprise particular expertise and competencies that are explicitly referenced in the job description. When the recruiter is prepared to evaluate the submitted CVs, they will conduct an ATS search using the specified key terms. The CVs that demonstrate attention to the job description and incorporate the essential keywords sought by the employer will be the ones that appear in the search results, ultimately occupying the top spot in the queue. Regardless of the format of the online application, ensure that your responses contain relevant keywords. Failing to do so may result in your failure to advance beyond the initial screening phase for the position.

4. Develop your application in the offline

Online applications may impose time constraints on response times or time out following a period of inactivity; in such cases, any content entered runs the risk of being lost. Constantly ensure that you have a reserve! Proceed to compile the responses to the queries into a Word document subsequent to launching the application. You can then edit and refine them until you are completely satisfied, without the danger of having to begin again.

5. Fill the specified space

Each response to an online application is accompanied by a character or word quota. This can be discouraging when one has much to say; however, attempt to maintain a positive outlook on the situation. Resume Writing Help Abu Dhabi recommends emphasizing your most pertinent and specific experience, and incorporate results where possible. Conversely, you may believe that you lack the necessary experience to compose a sufficiently lengthy response. Write to the best of your ability, without striving to occupy the available space. Consider the bulleted list that you have compiled in response to the job description; you may have more to contribute than you initially believe.

6. Never miss any questions

While completing a lengthy application, it is easy to become sidetracked, and it can be aggravating if the query format causes you to feel like you are duplicating efforts. It is imperative that you maintain consistency and avoid skipping any queries. Doing so may lead the recruiter to the conclusion that you lack attention to detail, which is an unattractive quality to an employer.

7. Obtain some additional assistance

You should not feel obligated to complete the task independently. Obtain a trusted Professional CV Writing Services in Dubai to review your responses in order to identify any errors that you may have overlooked. Software such as Grammarly will highlight misspellings and provide suggestions for improving the readability and conciseness of your responses. Extra advice! Do not fib on an online application form, as you would on any other type of job application. Prevent embellishing your experience and incorporating untruths.

We trust that this guide has bolstered your confidence in order to successfully complete an online job application. The utmost importance is to allow sufficient time for preparation and familiarisation with the application technique. Customised resumes that highlight one’s experiences and qualities are an excellent foundation for any online job application. At, our professional Resume Writing in UAE will diligently edit your documents until they meet your satisfaction. Additionally, they will incorporate crucial keywords to ensure that you pass the initial screening.


FAQs on Resume Writing in UAE


Q. Should I put my hobbies / interests on my resume? 

It is acceptable to list pastimes and interests on a resume; however, you should always consider whether doing so will enhance or diminish the resume. Bear in mind that not everyone appreciates the same recreational activities.

Q. What is the best CV format to use?

You may choose to organise your curriculum vitae in either a functional or chronological fashion. The experiences listed on a chronological CV are presented in reverse chronological order. This is our most common format, and it is also the one recruiters anticipate seeing.

Q. Do I need multiple versions of my CV for different jobs?

You should, in general, customise your resume and cover letter to specific positions. For instance, when seeking employment in distinct industries (e.g., finance and marketing), you will need to submit two versions of your curriculum vitae that emphasise your expertise in those specific domains.

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