Effective SEO Strategies To Craft an ATS-friendly CV

Most of the time, the changing technology is simply making recruiting managers wiser. They use ATS, or application tracking software, rather than assessing resumes by hand. Resumes not in line with particular keywords and SEO strategies are thrown out by this kind of bot. SEO is now involved in recruiting procedures in addition to helping websites rank well on search engines. If recruiting managers are giving you “silent treatments” all the time, grin. Rejections will not be a part of your life after reading this book. See the top SEO strategies suggested by Resume Writing in Dubai outlined in this article and how to make it ATS-friendly without wasting extra time.

1. Focus on keyword optimisation.

ATS loves buzzwords in resumes, just like SEO does. The best way to improve A CV’s SEO is to use keywords easily in the resume. But how do you know which keywords to use on your resume? It’s not really difficult! There is a list of buzzwords in every job description. It says in the job posting, “We are looking for a candidate with experience in Project Management.” Then the keyword is Project Management. If the employer types “project management” into their database, your resume is more likely to come up. Also, you’ll need to read the whole post, write down the terms that are used, and then use those keywords in your resume.

Also Read: Reasons to Seek Professional CV Writing Help in UAE

2. Use a clean CV layout that is easy to read.

Fans of fancy and shady CV designs may find them appealing, but ATS doesn’t like them at all! Bots need something that they can quickly read and understand. If the interviewer asks for a PDF, that’s fine, but make sure your curriculum vitae is in Word format and that the whole thing is very easy to read. Simple fonts like “Arial” and “Calibri” should be used for the size and style. Don’t use unusual colours on your resume unless the job calls for it. Choose black, white, and blue for your paper if you want it to look good. But you will have to make sure that the colours are just right so that the paper doesn’t look too bright or too dull. Or, even better, hire professional Resume Writing Services in UAE to do this task for you. They have the most skilled and experienced people who know about colour theory and can ensure that your resume will look good on an ATS.

3. Keep in mind that bots look for titles that are relevant.

Next on the list of things bots look for are correct titles. For example, if the job description calls for a “Project Coordinator,” but you try to be sneaky and call yourself a “Senior Project Champion,” you should expect to be turned down. Your curriculum resume won’t be found by the ATS, that’s why. The HR managers already have a lot to do, so they won’t bother going through the papers by hand. Unfortunately, the title you suggested won’t work in the long run, even though it seems clever. So, if you’ve been looking for the right job, make sure the titles are relevant and easy to find.

4. List the qualifications that are needed.

Write down in clear, easy-to-read language all the skills and abilities the hiring manager needs to see. Don’t list skills that aren’t needed or aren’t important; it will take up extra space and make your document look messy. You’ve already said enough about how hard you work and how nice you are. This won’t get bots’ attention. You could, however, talk about qualifications since it’s always a good idea to draw attention to certifications.

5. Use professional language at all times.

Make sure that the wording in your curriculum vitae is clear and professional. There needs to be a great balance between professional and creative language. Get rid of any filler or waffle in the paper, and make sure it doesn’t have any complex words. If it’s hard to find a balance between being professional and creative, check out services from an Online Resume company in Abu Dhabi. They have qualified writers who know how things work in this field. They write in a businesslike way with a creative touch.

6. Improve your brand presence in the digital space.

ATS bots are now smart enough to look through candidates’ online profiles. In other words, if you are on LinkedIn, the bot will find your page and look it over carefully. So, people who are applying need to stay one step ahead and make sure their online profile is clean. It is important that your CV and web profiles have the same information. The bot might just refuse to take your CV if it can’t connect the dots. You can hide all the posts that aren’t important or are embarrassing and have nothing to do with your job.

7. Get rid of templated content.

Take a moment to think about it: if you’re going to copy and paste material from online sources into your CV, won’t other applicants do the same? They are going to! That’s the biggest mistake all applicants make: they use pre-written content from the Internet. The sharp and smart ATS finds it right away and pulls it out of the pile! You should never, ever, ever take information from the internet and put it on your resume. Bots want original information that was just made. We know it’s hard to write a CV. To save time and effort, you might want to talk to pros. You’ll be amazed at how well they can make customised and original CVs for you.

Also Read: Reasons to Invest in Professional CV Writing in Dubai

Hire the Best Writer from a Trusted Resume Writing in Dubai

The aforementioned are the seven most effective SEO techniques for optimising a CV to meet ATS requirements. If you are still struggling to come up with a tailored, professional profile, then it’s highly recommended to seek help from Resume Writing in Dubai. CVCenter.ae has been providing clients with ATS-compatible, customised resumes for many years now. They will create a resume that will appear on the desk of your hiring manager immediately. Contact them today.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs:

1. Can I pay someone to write my CV in the UAE?

With our professional assistance, you can stand out from other people who are looking for work. Our friendly, skilled CV writers can help you get your dream job by giving you a CV that works with ATS in a matter of days. 

2. How much does it cost to write a CV in Dubai?

The price will change based on the deal you choose and the services that come with it. Normally, the cost can start from AED 400 onwards.

3. How many pages is a UAE CV?

The most common CV length in the UAE is between two to three pages.

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